Element contained in a number of chili peppers can attack cancer cells energy source.
Researchers have discovered magic spicy foods that can kill cancer cells. They found the element of chili peppers in Mexico (jalapeno pepper) can attack the cancer cell energy source, causing the death of cancer cells.
Above research shows, clan owned molecules and aldebida aromatic chili element, attached to proteins in cancer cells energy source, resulting in apoptosis or cells death and does not damage healthy cells around it.
The researchers said the Doctor Bagates, that these compounds against heart attack tumor cells and we believe to have found a basic weakness of all cancers.o die.
Energy source mechanism in cancer cells is not the same as the cells in general. According to him, that element of chili in certain doses may cause some cancer cells begin to die. However, against the existing cells generally will not produce the same effect.
Among a number of foods containing chili and other aromatic aldebida and this fact proves the safety of consuming these compounds become faster and cheaper.
However, officials from the English cancer research agency said, that the research results above do not claim that by eating large amounts of chili can help prevent or treat cancer.
He said the test results showed, that element of chilli can kill cancer cells cultured in the laboratory. However, whether they are effective against cancer cells in the body and is safe for humans has not been proven in trails related.
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